Pumpkin Carving 2009
The ballots are all in and your votes have been counted and tallied.
Surprisingly, the counts were actually pretty close, with only 1, 2 or 3 votes separating the winners. See, your every vote does count towards making a difference.
. . . . AND THE 2009 WINNERS ARE :
1st Place: Kathy Torres
2nd Place: Michael Keown
1st Place: Marbella Maldonado
2nd Place: Alex Sanchez
1st Place: Maria Corona
2nd Place: Rose Avila
1st Place: Paula Henry
2nd Place: Reggie Abner
Thanks to all who took the time to vote (we had 53 ballots turned in) and Congratulations to all who participated in our contests – GREAT JOB TO EACH AND EVERYONE on their pumpkins and costumes.